Thursday, April 05, 2007

No Regrets

Well, I can officially say I have no regrets about opting for some American shopping trips as opposed to going to spring retreat this year. The retreat letter came yesterday and although I figured due to the supreme court ruling there would be taxes involved, a 10$ bump in the camp fee made it pretty expensive to do twice a year. Cathey and I had mentioned that some of our patterns that we brought for sale had gone missing last year but by no means did we want or ask for sales of items to be ended. Last fall I was kind of in a financial rut and really, that was my meal ticket to go. My rut was my own doing combined with a load of bad luck and without meaning to sound snobby I work in the IT industry, generally finances aren't usually an issue for us so I feel sympathy for those who budget much more strictly than I do :( I don't know, spring doesn't get me as motivated to go either. I don't know if it's the mud, the fact that I find picking a decent exchange piece hard to do without a holiday or the shorter time frame in between them but it's not on my priority list. Mainly I look forward to farting around Moncton with Cathey and sure there's stitching but I'm just as happy showing up on her doorstep ;)

Last night was still a bit hectic. I'd made arrangements to pick up my epicure order after the gym before Matt changed his work at home day. The equaled only a 25 minute run at the gym, only a brief visit with Tracy :( and rushing Alex home for Beavers. Thank goodness Beavers is only a stone's through away from the house but after all that was said and done I got a load of laundry in, a little tidying done and was in bed thumbing through ornament issues of Just Cross Stitch by 10 :)

I did however make some progress on the Wedding Row yesterday at lunch and should have a chance to take a picture this evening :)

1 comment:

Pumpkin said...

I'm fully 100% behind you on the whole retreat fiasco. It will be interesting to see how it goes with the new "laws" put into place.

Hey, anytime you want to come over, the door is always open ;o)

Have a Happy Easter! Or try to ;o)