Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Another Evening...

Another evening another thunderstorm...

Last night was pretty low key, Alex and I went to the church strawberry supper and split a plate of food (the heat kills my appetite). It worked out well as it was a cold plate of ham and turkey, with a variety of salads, I'm not a ham person and Alex doesn't do turkey. I had a delicious strawberry shortcake for dessert and Alex got a home made ice cream, we then got a take out plate for Matt and headed home.

I got the lawn mower out just to see if it would run before it goes to the shop today...and of course it did...until I went past one of the evergreens out front and it pushed back the throttle and stalled it, never to start again. I was so ticked I almost cut down the tree. Yes, I realize it is the lawnmower that isn't functioning properly but that tree shouldn't be there, it's in the easement portion of the property so really it should go before we get attached (and it grows a big root for us to take out).

I went back inside and put Alex in the bath and started reorganizing my cross stitch supplies. They'd kind of gotten out of order lately for some reason (wedding perhaps). After I tracked down some loose bobbins, put Alex to bed and talked to mom on the phone for a bit I sat down, watched the lightening and finished stitching my Nordic Needle ornament from the 2004 JCS. The boys were running late this morning (Matt needed my van) so I didn't get a chance to upload it into blogger, sigh...

In other news it's looking like we won't need to ask the travel agent to put us in a separate part of the resort with we go to the Dominican in February, I guess we're the only ones from the grooms mother's side going. I guess it will be private after all ;) (although it's too bad for the groom, but after the lopsided numbers at our wedding, not a big shock).

1 comment:

mainely stitching said...

It sounds like a nice evening with the dinner and all. I really liked those sort of things when I lived in Maine.